Welcome to the world of Python programming! In this blog post, we’ll explore a simple yet entertaining Python project: Role_The_Dice_Game. This interactive game utilizes Python’s random module to simulate rolling two dice. It’s a great way to learn the basics of Python programming while having fun.
The Role_The_Dice_Game project consists of the following components:
Quick Start Guide: Download the Python script or copy the code to a new file. Open the script in a code editor such as IDLE or Visual Studio 2022. Run the script. View the dice results. Enter “yes” to roll again or “no” to end the game. Close the program when finished.
# import random function
import random
# intro message for dice game
print("- Hello and Welcome to The Dice Game! -")
print("- Computer will roll two dice values and display to user -")
print("- User can then enter either options from below: -")
print("- Enter 'yes' or 'y' to roll again -")
print("- or -")
print("- Enter 'no' 'n' or any other character to stop rolling -")
# set dice low number and high number (1+6 = 1-6)
dice_min = 1
dice_max = 6
# ask user if they wanna roll again if yes start loop
keep_rolling_dice = "yes"
# while loop to roll dice and continue rolling if user desires
while keep_rolling_dice == "yes" or keep_rolling_dice == "y":
# print game message showing dice being tossed
print("- ** Rolling the Dice Now ** -")
print("- ** Tossed two dice on the board ** -")
print("- ** The dice rolled are ** -")
# use random to select a value from 1-6 for first dice and assign to dice_roll_one
dice_roll_one = str(random.randint(dice_min, dice_max))
# use random to select a value from 1-6 for first dice and assign to dice_roll_two
dice_roll_two = str(random.randint(dice_min, dice_max))
# print dice values
print("------------------ Dice 01 | Dice 02 ------------------")
print("------------------ | ------------------")
print("------------------ ##### | ##### ------------------")
print("------------------ # " + dice_roll_one + " # | # " + dice_roll_two + " # ------------------")
print("------------------ ##### | ##### ------------------")
print("------------------ | ------------------")
# ask user if they wanna continue rolling dice, is yes then toss more dice. if no or other input, end dice toss
keep_rolling_dice = input("- Roll the Dices Again or Quit? -\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n- > ")
Python is a versatile language capable of creating a wide range of applications, from simple games like Role_The_Dice_Game to complex web applications and machine learning algorithms. By experimenting with projects like this, you can develop your Python skills and have fun in the process.
Ready to roll the dice and explore the world of Python programming? Download the Role_The_Dice_Game script and start coding today!
This code creates a simple interactive dice game in Python. It generates random numbers to simulate rolling two dice and prompts the user to continue rolling or end the game.